
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


industry. reigniting the fires of industry. is this a fundamental aspect of human society, that we must be productive? Are we inherently technological people? i suppose it speaks to an innate curiosity and creativity which might be considered flattering, despite the things we've done in its name.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


dolls. the dollhouse. it was a good show, with interesting ideas at least, despite the poor execution. reminds me of ghost in the shell too, where the director held up dolls alongside dogs as two things/entities that we project ourselves onto, yet have very different kinds of life from us. Dolls are imitation life.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


bongos. certainly conjures an air of the foreign, the mysterious, the exotic. maybe something like orientalism, preying on the ignorance of an audience to produce such a feeling of mystery. it matters who the audience is in this case, because all the bongo players in the room are not impressed.